At least -20 degrees cool!
Out of over a thousand images taken early this morning, I captured dozens of meteors, but no monster
big ones. Attached are two cropped images and they have the constellation Gemini in the image too.
Meteors are running right to left and will trace back to the two twin "head" stars of Gemini (Castor
and Pollux). Image #2 points right at "The Twins" of Gemini!
And remember, all this from pieces of dirt the size of a grain of rice!
Images by: Rick Stankiewicz
December 14, 2017 |
At least -20 degrees cool!
Out of over a thousand images taken early this morning, I captured dozens of meteors, but no monster
big ones. Attached are two cropped images and they have the constellation Gemini in the image too.
Meteors are running right to left and will trace back to the two twin "head" stars of Gemini (Castor
and Pollux). Image #2 points right at "The Twins" of Gemini!
And remember, all this from pieces of dirt the size of a grain of rice!
Images by: Rick Stankiewicz
December 14, 2017 |
I hope you have all been enjoying the show in the western sky after sunset these past few days.
Venus and the Moon have been putting on quite the display.
Light haze is not real noticeable to your eye, but stands out with longer camera exposures.
These simple image captures were just using a camera on a tripod and settings between:
ISO 500 to 800, 33 to 70mm, f/4.5, 0.3 to 1 sec.
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Rick Stankiewicz |
2020-August 12 - P. Chee - Perseid-2020-Aug-13
From my backyard in Town Ward, Peterborough.
Taken by : Phillip Chee |
2020-August 13 - R. Stankiewicz - The Perseids of 2020
The attached images are my meager offerings to the Perseid
captures of 2020.
For the hours spent "looking up" there sure were not a lot of
"shooting stars" to be had (when I was out at least). Note the
Summer Triangle in all the images, in the lower portions of the frame.
Taken by: Rick Stankiewicz |
2020-September 17 - M. McCarthy - ISS Flyover
Open and adjust the levels in your favourite image software
to reveal more of the panels, these are 2 of 175 frames I got
between clouds tonight. It moves across the sky fast and
when its dodging and dancing between clouds its speed is
This was at f/11 on a C14 with a Mallincam Skyraider DS10CTEC
Taken by : Mike McCarthy |
Airplane Meets Jupiter
John Crossen
Asteroid Ceres in Cetus
Rick Stankiewicz
11.11.07 |
Big Dipper and ISS
Rick Stankiewicz
07.29.08 |
Constellation Orion |
_1 - 09.21.08.jpg) |
ISS chases ATV (Jules Vern)_1
Rick Stankiewicz
09.21.08 |
_2 - 09.21.08.jpg) |
ISS chases ATV (Jules Vern)_2
Rick Stankiewicz
09.21.08 |
Rick Stankiewicz
Over Cedar Knoll Observatory Dome |
Rick Stankiewicz
Sept.09.08 |
Rick Stankiewicz
Sept.09.08 |
Rick Stankiewicz
Sept.09.08 |
Light Pillars
Rick Stankiewicz
Dec.27.00 |
Moon Pines
Rick Stankiewicz
2003 |
Rick Stankiewicz
2005 |
Moonrise Silhouettes
Rick Stankiewicz
Aug.03 |
Nova Scorpii 2007
Rick Stankiewicz
Feb.21.07 |
Orion During Lunar Eclipse
Stock lens at 55mm
30 seconds at ISO1600 f5.6
Dec 21.2010
Mark Coady |
Orion-Saturn-4 Leonids
Rick Stankiewicz
Nov.18.01 |
Star Trails Around Polaris
Rick Stankiewicz |
Star Trails
Rick Stankiewicz |
Tree of Light Horizontal
Peter McMahon |
I managed to get pictures of Vesta and Ceres
on four nights. I have marked the star HD117832
with a red arrow to provide a reference point.
The width of the field is about 1degree-40minutes.
The movement is very obvious from one night to the
next and also how much faster Vesta moves
compared to Ceres. When the picture was taken
after midnight I used the date from the day
before to be consistent.
The pictures were taken with a Canon SX30
at 35x optical zoom, 15secs at f/5.8 and
ISO 1600 on the Ioptron Cube Pro mount.
Full Moon was on the 12th. so the sky was
quite bright.
A very interesting little project. Learned
a lot.
This picture and the following 3 pictures were taken
July 4, 5, 7, 10, 2014
July 4, 2014
Sean. |
July 5, 2014
Sean. |
July 7, 2014
Sean. |
July 10, 2014
Sean. |
Peter McMahon
Night Sky National Park
Peter McMahon